We're going to use vim to write our code
[ ] [ /dev/pts/88 ] [~/binexp/asm]
→ vim 4.asm
section .data
mytext1 db "What is your name? "
mytext2 db "Hello, "
section .bss
myname resb 16 ; we reserve 16 bytes and we can access it with the label 'myname'
section .text
global _start
call _printText1
call _getName
call _printText2
call _printName
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0
_printText1: ;print 'what your the name ?'
mov rax, 1 ; syscall ID 1 (write text)
mov rdi, 1 ; first arg = 1
mov rsi, mytext1 ; second arg = our text1 (what is your name?)
mov rdx, 19 ; third arg = the text limit
syscall ;run the syscall
ret ; finish the function
_getName: ;get user input
mov rax, 0 ; syscall ID 0 (read user input)
mov rdi, 0 ; first arg 0 is stdin, 1 is stdout, 2 is stderr
mov rsi, myname ; second arg (where will we store user input?)
mov rdx, 16 ; third arg the limit of user input characters we want
syscall ;make the syscall
ret ;finish the function
_printText2: ;print 'Hello'
;same as printtext1
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, mytext2
mov rdx, 7
_printName: ;print the name
;same as pritntext 1 and 2
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, myname ; this is the myname label with it's 16 reserved bytes from earlier
mov rdx, 16
Now this code contains what we learned previously, with the exception of the following chunks of code:
section .bss
myname resb 16
this is used to declare a variable called 'myname' and we reserve 16 bytes for it. Ideally to store our user input string of text.
mov rax, 0 ; syscall ID 0 (read user input)
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, myname
mov rdx, 16
The _getName function first sets the rax register as 0 (syscall ID 0) to read the user input, more info here
the first arguement (rdi) is set to 0 because we want stdin (1 is stdout and 2 is stderr)
the second arguement (rsi) is the variable we want to store our user input to,
the third arguement (rdx) is set to 16 because that is the maximum size of reserved bytes for our 'myname' variable.
and lastly we just run the syscall and end the function.
Here we're going to use nasm to compile our assembly code and then use ld to create the binary out of the .o file:
[ ] [ /dev/pts/89 ] [~/binexp/asm]
→ nasm -f elf64 4.asm -o 4.o
[ ] [ /dev/pts/89 ] [~/binexp/asm]
→ ld 4.o -o 4
[ ] [ /dev/pts/89 ] [~/binexp/asm]
→ ./4
What is your name? Pierre
Hello, Pierre
And that's it ! in the next tutorial we will cover math operations and the stack, you can click here.